EU Urban Agenda

Through the EU Urban Agenda, national governments, the European Commission, European institutions and other stakeholders will be working together for a sustainable, innovative and economically powerful Europe that offers a good quality of life.

More and more people are living, working and spending their leisure time in cities. Cities also offer space to establish businesses, and innovation flourishes in an urban environment. With the current (European) trend towards urbanisation, the importance of cities is set to continue to grow. At the same time, growth is accompanied by complex issues, including an ever greater risk of segregation, increased criminality and environmental problems.

International research has revealed that cities are of huge importance to Europe. They are the powerhouses of economic growth, innovation and employment opportunities. Cities are the living environment for 72% of all Europeans. This percentage is expected to rise to 80% by 2050. The developments in the cities are increasingly indicative for the quality of human life. Cities are facing ever greater social challenges in respect of the environment, transport and social cohesion. The EU Urban Agenda aims to address those challenges.

Check the City Makers Agenda, a step towards developing a strategy for City Makers, which will allow them to develop their position within the world of urban development and policy making. From citizen engagement to citizen empowerment.

EU Urban Agenda

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